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Psicanalistas estrangeiros se solidarizam com brasileiros pela tragédia que destruiu Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro

5 / setembro / 2018

O incêndio que tragicamente destruiu um de nossos maiores patrimônios históricos e culturais, na noite de domingo, 02 de setembro,  comoveu e mobilizou vários psicanalistas estrangeiros, que manifestaram, por meio de mensagens, sua solidariedade aos colegas brasileiros e à população pela perda irreparável de parte de nossa história e nossa memória. Compartilhamos com os colegas da Febrapsi e a sociedade brasileira algumas mensagens recebidas e agradecemos o apoio manifesto:


Dear Anette, Karen and all our Brazilian friends and colleagues,

It is with great sadness that I have learned of the fire that destroyed Rio’s Museu Nacional. It is a terrible loss for Brazil and for the world of an important cultural landmark, national heritage and testament of human history and evolution. I suppose there is a small consolation in the fact that so far no injuries or loss of life have been reported, but it is a devastating blow for Brazil and for mankind. Please extend my feelings and consolation to all of our colleagues in FEBRAPSI.
With sadness and great sympathy,

Howard Levine
((American Psychoanalytic Association) 
Instituto de Psicanálise de Massachussetts – U.S.A.)
Dear Colleagues,

I join with Howard in expressing sympathy on this terrible event. The loss of cultural and artistic heritage is a deep one — as psychoanalysts we know how strongly the images and traditions of our culture are carried in our minds and hearts. 
with my sympathies,

Kerry Kelly Novick
2502 Packard Street, Apt. 4101, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(American Psychoanalytic Association) 
From: Bernard Chervet
To: Miguel Calmon du Pin e Almeida

Quelle horreur Miguel !

Transmettez tout ma sympathie à tous les collègues de votre société de ma part et de Emmanuelle.

Awful and deep sadness from us to all the Brazilian colleagues and all the people of Brazil

Great sorrow 


Bernard Chervet 
(Société Psychanalytique de Paris)
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